To commemorate Shivaratri 2023, a Shiva Lingam was installed at the North Eastern corner of the Sai Nilayam (SSSIOTT Headquarters), on Thursday 23rd February, which was lovingly donated by a long standing Sai devotee.

National Council President of the SSSIOTT, Mrs. Vinti Mohip and her husband Mr. Shrinivas Mohip were the principle devotees of the inauguration ceremony.

During the installation of the Lingam appropriate mantras including rudram were recited by the officiating Pundit Bhudharat Yankatesu. 

Hawan and bhajans were done alfresco at this intimate ceremony, as devotees present enjoyed the cool evening breeze surrounded by Mother Nature.


“Just as Om is the Sound symbol of God, the Lingam is the Form symbol or the visible symbol 

of God, the most meaningful, the simplest and the least endowed with the appendages of attributes. Lingam means ‘That in which this merges or dissolves’. 

Eventually, all Forms have to merge in the Formless”. 

BSSSB – Divine Discourse Shivaratri 1974


Lingam being consecrated


Dr. Gautam Tewari  carrying Lingam which was placed at Bhagawan’s feet before installation


Hawan (purification ritual) conducted at the site before Lingam installation


Aarti being performed


Lingam Installed


Offering being made onto the Lingam


Offering of Abhishek on Lingam


Offering of curd being made


Offering of milk


Officiating Pundit Yankatesu


Preparing prasadam for offering


The lingam installed