On the 5th May, commemorating Easwaramma day, the Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary school (LSSPS) in collaboration with Sri Sathya Sai International Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago held its 2nd Walk for Values, a community outreach program. This year the theme was “Non- Violence begins with me”. Designed to raise awareness to practice Human Values in our daily lives, participants took pledges of non- violence and walked from Santos Recreational Ground, Longdenville to the Sai Nilayam – Headquarters of the SSSIOTT. During the walk, posters from students of the LSSPS and our 4 Sathya Sai Garden of Blooms ECCE Centers (Longdenville, Tacarigua, Kernahan and Navet) were seen by members of the community as messages of non-violence were shared. This event hosted approximately 400 persons who were willing to foster change in local, regional, and global communities by being exemplary members in society. Members of parliament and their teams were present and brought greetings, endorsing this initiative. Non-violence against the environment was a substantial portion of this Walk for Values as it was a green project with no single use plastics and educational environmental booths post walk. Participants left the event with an overwhelming feeling of renewed duty to practice non-violence in their daily lives through thought, word and deed, refraining from causing harm to each other and the environment. 

“Non-Violence begins with me”


Walk for Values

Location – Sai Nilayam, Longdenville, Trinidad

Date – May 5, 2024

Event Planning Wing – Seva/ Education/ Devotional/ Mahila/ Young Adult

On the 19th of May, Region 2 (South/ South East region held a Medical Fair at the Navet Sai Centre and the Sathya Sai Garden of Blooms Navet ECCE. The aim of the seva project was to assist the preschoolers of Navet ECCE Centre with medical checkups in preparation for entrance into Primary School as well as provide free medical screening for members of the community. Services provided included doctor checkups, dental checkups, eye screening, physiotherapy and distribution of medical supplies.Lunch was served to all attendees and snack bags with dental care products included were given to each child. A notable feature of this project was the fact that all the medical personnel were all past Bal Vikas Students whose wish was to serve the community through this Public Outreach project. In attendance were approximately 110 non Sai devotees and 40 members of the SSSIOTT making this project quite successful.  

Medical Fair

Region – Region 2 (South/South East)

Location – Navet Sai Center, Rio Claro, Trinidad

Date – May 19, 2024

On the 30th May commemorating Corpus Christi, members of Region 1 (North/ Central) gathered at the Eco Park in North, Trinidad for a day of togetherness and serving the planet.

Members of the SSSIOTT and the St. Helena Development Corporation participated in planting approximately 30 diverse fruit trees. This effort underscores a commitment to environmental stewardship and will benefit both park visitors and the surrounding ecosystem.

The event was featured on the local news channel CCN TV6, where speeches were delivered by Mrs. Vinti Mohip, President of the SSSIOTT, and Mrs. Kaloutie Sumairsingh, Coordinator of Region 1 (North/Central).

Corpus Christi – Plant A Tree & Family Day

Region – Region 1 (North/Central)

Location – Eco Park, St. Helena, Trinidad

Date – May 30, 2024

On the 9th of June the National Mahila Wing held a clothing drive at the Morne Diablo Community Center, located within Region 2. This program was intended as a means of enriching the lives of members of the bordering communities. Donating pre-loved clothing is a simple yet impactful way to contribute to social welfare, environmental sustainability, and fostering community support. It allows individuals to make a positive difference in the lives of others while minimizing waste and promoting responsible consumption habits.

The event had approximately 30 volunteers of the SSSIOTT welcoming approximately 250 persons of the general public. They received pre-loved clothing items, lunch and in turn shared their gratitude and appreciation.

“Love All, Serve All.”


Clothing Drive

Location – Morne Diablo Community Center, Penal, Trinidad

Date – June 9, 2024

Event Planning Wing – Mahila

The SSSIOTT Region 1 (North/Central) hosted a satsang at the Sai Nilayam which provided an opportunity for individuals to connect with like-minded seekers, deepen their understanding of spiritual truths, and support each other on their spiritual journeys. The term comes from two Sanskrit words: sat (truth) and sang (association or company), so it essentially means “association with the truth” or “company of the wise.” Attendees are always grateful for the opportunity to attend these events and seek the blessings of the guru (teacher) Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Region 1 Satsang

Region – Region 1 (North/Central)

Location – Sai Nilayam, Longdenville, Trinidad

Date – June 22, 2024

On the 30th of June the National Mahila Wing held a food and hamper drive at the Sai Nilayam compound (SSSIOTT Headquarters) , the Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School and the Sathya Sai Garden of Blooms ECCE. This program was intended as a means of providing essential sustenance through meals and food hamper distribution to those in the bordering communities struggling to access an adequate food supply. The collection and distribution of food to needy individuals and families directly contributed to alleviating hunger in communities.  The event hosted approximately 12 volunteers of the SSSIOTT welcoming approximately 50 persons of the general public. This was a compassionate and impactful way to support the well-being of these individuals experiencing food insecurity.

“Love All, Serve All.”


Food Drive

Location – Sai Nilayam, Longdenville, Trinidad

Date – June 30, 2024

Event Planning Wing – Mahila